Motion Graphics Work
Demo Reel – Arena Unimed Sicoob
This is a demoreel with some videos that I did to Arena Unimed Sicoob, a soccer stadium in Brazil. Moreover, I also controlled the panel (screen) that shows those videos to the audience during the soccer game. I used Cinema 4D, Adobe After Effects and Photoshop to create editable videos that are really fast and easy to edit, because I had to edit some information during the game, like the score and the player who’s score the point.
Opening Video – 19º Encontrão
I made this video for the biggest anual event of Sicoob Espírito Santo: Encontrão (in english: “big meeting”). I used Adobe After Effects with 3D cameras and Video Copilot Element 3D. The purpose of this video is to touch and thrill more than 1,300 employees present in the auditorium and open the event with a really good vibe!
Intership Program – Sicoob Espírito Santo
This is a video that I made to instruct all interns of Sicoob Espírito Santo. I animate some graphics and illustrations in a easygoing look and fell and in an informative way, to fit the audience. I made all images of the video using stocks vectors.
eSocial Program – Sicoob Espírito Santo
Video created to inform all employees from a significant change in some legal process related to work rules here in Brazil. I tried to make this video more informative and light as possible, because it was related to a dense subject. I made all images of the video using stocks vectors and animate them using After Effects.
Professional Mentoring Program – Sicoob Espírito Santo
Video created to instruct more than 1400 employees about the new professional mentoring program at Sicoob Espírito Santo. I tried to made it as softer as I can, because it talks about a serious subject. I made all images of the video using stocks vectors and animate them using After Effects.
Branch Size Program – Sicoob Espírito Santo
I created this video to inform managers and directors of the company about a program for their branch. Because of the audience, I did an more serious video with some cold colors. I made all images of the video using stocks vectors and animate them using After Effects.
Opening Video – 15º Encontrão
During two days, the SESC’s auditorium at Guarapari, Brazil became an immersive audiovisual space. With eight 4,500 lúmens projectors and one with 16,000 lúmens we created an 360º video-mapping for more than 1,200 employees! In addition to the opening video (the one bellow) I also create all videos exhibited. I used After Effects , Cinema 4D and Photoshop to create this immersive experience.